Creating destroyed vehicle entities for map entourage

Step-by-step instructions for placing destroyed/damaged vehicle entities as map entourage elements

Models from the _x and _xx folders with assets of destroyed models of vehicles are not intended to be placed on maps as an entourage elements.

These models are empty technical models that the game engine replaces the original objects with when damage is dealt to them. The engine applies necessary tags, volume properties, spawn additional models, and special effects to these models to create realistic visuals and physical interactions.

Below is the procedure for creating entourage models of destroyed objects.

Creating a destroyed entity

  1. Launch the Editor and create a new test map

  2. Open the Mission Editor [F3].

  3. Place the necessary entity on the map.

  4. Damage or destroy the placed entity using one of the following ways:

    • By firing from other units in Simulation Mode:

      Set up units to attack the target entity.

  • By spawning a service explosion entity: Spawn an explosion entity from the service/damage folder under or near the target entity

  • Using the G Hotkey: Spawn an aerial bomb at the cursor position by pressing the G key.

  • Using the Console Command g_component: Apply damage or destroy the objects through the console.

Transferring the destroyed entity to the target map or mission

  1. Select the destroyed entity

  2. Copy the selected entity to the clipboard (press Ctrl+C)

  3. Load the map or mission where you want to place the destroyed entity

  4. Paste the clipboard contents onto the map (press Ctrl+V)

Configuring the destroyed entity

  1. Fine-tune the position, tilt, rotation, alignment with the surface, and other properties

  2. Add the destroyed tag to the vehicle body

    • Select the destroyed entity

    • Open the Tags of selection window with Ctrl+T.

    • In the opened window, enter the tag name destroyed and click the Add button.

The destroyed tag removes non-relevant gameplay properties from the entity, such as minimap display.

  1. Add the em_notouch tag:

  • Select all separate parts of the destroyed entity (body, turret) with Shift held down.

  • Open the Tags of selection window with Ctrl+T.

  • In the opened window, enter the tag em_notouch and click the Add button

The em_notouch tag ensures the entity is excluded from the scene debris cleaning system (entity_manager).

  1. Save the Map Save your changes to the map to ensure all modifications are retained.

Last updated