Map Editor

The Map Editor is a comprehensive suite of tools for map creation.

Functionalities of the Map Editor include:

  • Creating and modifying the mesh of the ground surface Adjust the size and geometric shape of the terrain to suit the map’s design.

  • Painting the mesh of the ground surface Apply materials, colors, and grass to enhance the visual appeal of the terrain.

  • Placing entities Add various elements such as buildings, flora, decor, special effects, sound effects, and interactive game entities to the map.

  • Creating and customizing water surfaces Use special water materials to create and brush rivers, lakes, and seas.

  • Configuring properties Set properties of the ground surface and objects to dictate their behavior and interaction within the game environment.

Upon launching, users default to the Map Editor and can return to it from other editors by pressing the F2 key.

Map Editor interface



Opens the Main menu of the Map Editor


Tabs for the Map Editor's tool groups


Editor panel

Settings and properties of the selected tool


Hints window

The window displays hints for the selected element in the Editor panel.



A real-time editable canvas for map interaction


Player indicator

Displays color-coded group numbers of units controlled by the player in the editor

The Main menu of the Map Editor (Map editor menu) contains basic functions.

The Main menu can be called in two ways:

  1. By clicking the MAP button This button is located at the top of the Editor panel.

  2. By pressing the Esc key on the keyboard By pressing the Esc key on the keyboard, users can quickly access the Map editor menu window from anywhere within the Map Editor.

Menu itemDescriptionKeyboard shortcut


Initiates the process to create a new map


Allows users to save the current map

Ctrl + S

Save As...

Enables saving the current map under a new name or location

Ctrl + Shift + S


Refreshes the current map. Map reverts to the last saved state


Provides options to open a previously saved map

Ctrl + O

Load recent

Allows users to quickly access and load maps that were recently edited or opened


Closes the Map Editor and exits the application

Alt + X

Side menu

The Side menu contains groups of tools for map editing, displayed as tabs on the left side of the editor panel. The active tab, which shows the currently selected group of tools, is highlighted for easy identification

Tab nameEditor nameDescription

scene [1]

Tools for managing entities placed on the map and their structuring, which speeds up access to entities and simplifies the map editing process

entity [2]

This tool is used for placing and adjusting the placement of various elements on the map, including decor, flora, visual and sound effects, and other entities. It provides tools and options necessary for precisely positioning and configuring these elements within the game environment.

land [3]

A comprehensive tool within the Map Editor designed for terrain customization. It offers brushes and settings for modifying terrain elevation, applying materials, adjusting colors, resizing mesh, and defining landscape properties, enabling detailed and precise landscape design.

water [4]

This tab features the Water Editor, which allows for the creation and editing of water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and seas.

edifice [5]

Edifice Editor

The Side menu tabs can be switched in two ways:

  • by clicking on the respective tab icon;

  • using the keyboard keys 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Simulation mode

  • Start button Initiates a safe simulation mode for testing the map. Upon activation, this button changes to the Finish button.

  • Finish button Used to exit simulation mode. Exiting simulation mode triggers a map reload process, restoring the map to its original state. Any changes made during the test, such as destruction or other consequences, are not saved.

Last updated