Creating a new map

General information about a map

A map is a game level that typically does not contain scenario logic (scripts). It includes a ground surface and map entities such as trees, fences, houses, sound effects, and visual effects.

The ground surface is a mesh composed of triangles (a type of polygon). The shape and size of these polygons significantly influence texture mapping, which directly impacts the quality of visual detail on the ground surface.

Smaller polygons allow for smoother and higher-quality texture transitions but can significantly increase the overall number of polygons, negatively affecting game performance (fps).

The Map Editor is the primary tool for both creating new maps and making changes to existing ones.

Creating a new map

  1. Open the Map Editor menu.

  2. Click the New button.

  3. Confirm the intention by clicking the Yes button.

  1. Fill up parameters in the Setup landscape window and click the Ok button.

Setup landscape parameters



Initial polygon settings of the ground surface mesh


Type of polygon:

90 - rectangular,

60 - equilateral.

Recommended type is rectangular. The shape affects the quality of texture blending along transition lines


Side size of the polygon

Recommended side parameter is 2,2 m. This parameter influences the detail of the ground surface rendered with materials


Settings of initial material


Size of the initial texture tile

Affects the average texture density


Name of the base material

Selected from the list. For a new map, 'grid001' can be used as the initial texture


Initial terrain type

Default is 'ground', not recommended to change.


Map size in game units of length.

Recommended size is 600x600.

After setting up the initial landscape parameters of the map, click the 'OK' button to create the mesh with the specified parameters. At this stage, the map template is created.

The next step is to save the new map to specify its name.

Naming rules for maps

Map names can include:

  • latin alphabet letters (both uppercase and lowercase A to Z),

  • arabic numerals (0-9),

  • and symbols such as hyphen (-) and underscore (_) to enhance readability or separate elements within the map name.

Using a slash "/" in the map name automatically creates an additional intermediate folder (if it doesn't exist) and sets the path for saving the map files. For example, entering "multi/first_map" as the name will save the map in the folder map\multi\first_map.

The GEM RTS engine is case-insensitive to map names It treats names such as "MapName", "mapname", and "MAPNAME" as equivalent.

It is possible to save the map under an existing name by selecting the desired name from the list. Before saving, the editor will issue a warning about overwriting the map. After saving, it will be impossible to restore the original map.

Saving the map

  1. Open the Map editor menu

  2. Click the Save as button

  1. In the Save As dialog box that appears, enter the desired name for your map in the File field and press the Ok button.

At this stage, the template of the new map is ready for creating game level and missions.

Map files

After the first save, the editor creates a named folder containing three main map files essential for game functionality.

File nameDescription


Entity layer


3D model of the ground surface


Entity layer

This layer includes both static and dynamic entities, such as buildings, entities of flora, entourage and other non-terrain elements that players can interact with. The Entity Layer is created and modified using the Entity Editor.

3D landscape model

The map.ply file contains the 3D model for the ground surface, which includes all the topographical details defining the terrain's appearance and behavior in the game. Key aspects include:

  • Geometry Defines the 3D shape of the terrain, including elevations, depressions, and the overall form such as mountains, valleys, and flat areas.

  • Textures and materials Textures are applied to the geometry to provide a realistic look, incorporating materials like grass, rocks, sand, etc.

  • Terrain PP and FX data These data ensure proper interaction between units and the terrain. Terrain PP (Physical Properties) data ensures units like humans or vehicles respond correctly to the terrain. Terrain FX data adds the correct visual effects when units interact with the terrain.

This file is created and modified using the Land Editor.


This file is used by the game engine for calculating various game components and parameters. It is crucial for AI pathfinding, as it delineates where units can and cannot move, defining blocked areas and regions with special movement rules. The heightmap file is edited using the Heights brush of the Land Editor

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